State Budget Recap & Legislative Update
This past spring was an incredibly busy time at the State House as the Legislature finalized the FY2024 state budget and advanced many other priorities before they went into summer recess. Join the NJSBA Governmental Relations team, who will provide a rundown of the education highlights of the annual spending plan, information on new laws affecting school districts, and a summary of other recent legislative developments. Staff will be available to answer questions on any recent activity and what we might expect for the remainder of the current legislative session.
John Burns, New Jersey School Boards Association
jonathan pushman, New Jersey School Boards Association
jesse young, New Jersey School Boards Association
jonathan pushman, New Jersey School Boards Association
jesse young, New Jersey School Boards Association

Date & Time
Wednesday, July 19, 2023, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Virtual Session Link
Session Materials